Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Taking the log out of my own eye....

I'm in political science this semester and in the midst of writing 3 papers about the importance of the subject, it hit me....

The past 4 years, I have complained about the citizens of Uganda not taking responsibility for what is happening in their nation. They see what is happening around them and percieve it as a hopeless situation and do nothing about it. I've wanted them to take ownership of what is theirs and here I am doing the exact same thing that I complain about them doing!


It's time I start caring about what is happening in my own nation. I need to be involved. I need to be educated. I need to believe that what I carry and Jesus, who lives in me, has the power to change what is happening!

What a great revelation.
The Lord is good.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The final countdown.....

"You know all about it— the contempt, the abuse. I dare to believe that the luckless will get lucky someday in you. You won't let them down: orphans won't be orphans forever. Break the wicked right arms, break all the evil left arms. Search and destroy every sign of crime. God's grace and order wins; godlessness loses. The victim's faint pulse picks up; the hearts of the hopeless pump red blood as you put your ear to their lips. Orphans get parents, the homeless get homes. The reign of terror is over, the rule of the gang lords is ended." Psalm 10: 14-18 (The Message)

For about 3 years now, Psalm 10 has been a chapter that I have declared over the nation of Uganda. Just recentely I read it for the first time from The Message. It blew my mind! I love how it declares the truth and victory that we have in our amazing Father. He is so good to us. This passage just bring so much hope to my heart and we know that hope does not disappoint! (Romans 5:5)

I love how funny and ironic the Lord is sometimes. I read through Psalm 10 a lot, but only a month before I leave to go back to Uganda, did He put it on my heart to read this version. It is exactly what has been on my heart while in preparation for this trip. These boys that I will be working with need parents and they need homes. The Lord is promising that in these verses! WOW! God is so good!!!

It's becoming real again. In exactly 28 days, I will be stepping off of a plane in the Entebbe, Uganda airport. It's so hard for me to put in words what I am feeling right now. My heart is so full of joy. I can imagine now the hour long ride that we will take. I can see the most beautiful sky I have ever seen. The stars are crystal clear. There are people laughing and dancing as music blares through the streets. I can imagine the face of our house mom, Sarah, as we pull up. I can not wait to be reunited with my family overseas. I can't wait to see the boys in the homes and talk about the past year of their lives. I'm ready to see how much they've grown and if their english has gotten any better! I'm ready to worship with them and dance before the Lord! I'm excited about meeting new boys on the streets and loving on them like they've never experienced. The anticipation is killing me!

This is the final stretch. One more month. Holy cow!
There is one thing I know for sure; The city of  Kampala, Uganda will be changed because me and 14 other amazing radicals for the Lord have stepped foot on the land. I can't wait to bring the Kingdom!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Is it December yet????

I have so beautiful amazing friends who are currently living in Kampala, Uganda. They are working with the same boys that I have worked with in the past and will be working with in December. They have been there for about a month now. Seeing the pictures that they are posting makes me want to cry! I miss my boys so much and want to be with them so bad!! I'm praying that these next few months go by so quickly! I want to be in the dirt with my street boys. I want to be worshiping our creator with them. I just want to hold their hands!!

I'm so ready to take this new journey with a new team of beautiful people who are so in love with the Lord. The Fathe's heart is so big and I just want Uganda to feel it beat for them.

This is the team that is currently in Uganda right now with some of the boys! Please be praying for them!

Also, you can still donate towards their trip and then one I will be taking in December! The link to donate is located on the left!


Friday, October 7, 2011

Like a waterfall of honey....

"For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back."
Isaiah 54:5

Let's be real; abandonment is a huge issue that I deal with. I just came out of this season of feeling so alone and like the Lord had just walked away from me. I couldn't "feel" Him like I did before. The only thought that would run through my mind was,"what am I doing wrong???" I was hurt. Once again, I was left alone with no explanation.... and then I heard His voice.

"My beloved daughter,
How could you ever think that I would leave you alone? You are everything I died for. The sound of my name on your lips makes my heart race. There may be moments when you feel like you can't connect with me, but take heart my love, I am with you always. I trust you. I am proud of you. You are more than worthy to be pursued. We have a bond like no oher. It is my good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. Remember who you are. You are mine, forever and always. I love you baby girl, more than you will ever know and ever be able to fathom. Rest in my goodness. Everything is taken care of.
Love, Papa"

Needless to say, I was completely wrecked by His love. The Lord is so good. After I had this huge breakthrough, I looked back and saw all the little things that Jesus was doing in my life when I was so convinced He was gone. We can not afford to the apathetic. We must constantly pursue Him, despite how we feel or our circumstances. He is always moving, always working, always speaking.

So this has been my life for the past 3 months; being completely baffled by who God is and why He chooses to bless me the way He does. I'm so in love with school and my community. I love my church and I love my Nightlight kids. I love my job. I love the opportunities that the Lord is putting in front of me. I love my life. I don't deserve any of it, but because of the goodness of the Lord, I have it all. Jesus isn't going anywhere. We're never alone.

I'm overflowing. I just want to pour all of this love out on everyone.

Be encouraged. Bring the Kingdom. Just love.

Monday, July 25, 2011

We all carry the promise.

And Mary said:
   “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me— holy is his name. His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation. He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful to Abraham and his descendants forever, just as he promised our ancestors.”
Luke 1: 46-55

The other day, I felt like the Lord was telling me to read Luke. I wasn't sure why , but as I was reading, I began to fall in love with Mary. She is such a beautiful woman. She was an ordinary girl who found favor with the Lord (v 30), and she was chosen to carry the promise.

We all have a destiny. God has a plan for each one of us, just like He had for Mary. He has placed promises within us, promises that will start a revolution. The world will be changed by us. They will know freedom the moment they come in contact with us. We are carrying truth. We are carrying the light. We carry the hope of the world. We are chosen. We are all like Mary. It's time to birth the promise that we are carrying.

Let the world be shaken by our words.

The Lord is good. Life is wonderful.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dissapointment bows to the name of love

It's the middle of summer. We are approaching week 5 of camp and my lack of sleep is finally catching up with me. My body is telling me that I should begin to get frustrated and annoyed with everything and everyone around me. The thought of each week being the same as the last keeps running through my head. Then I stop. I realize who my dad is and all the lies and discouragement start to fade into the background.
Each week of my summer has been new and exciting. The Lord is blessing me in all kinds of crazy ways! I just have to stop and pay attention. He is showing up when it seems like there is no way that things could get better. He is taking care of me and it is so so so good. I have had the opportunity to work with the most amazing staff and each week I get a crazy amazing new group who shows me a new facet of the Father's heart. Why should I be discouraged? There is absolutely nothing that can take away my joy.
All I've been wanting to do is spend time with my Papa. He is my source of life and joy. Our relationship is the only thing keeping me sane and keeping me focused. He is my vision. He is my purpose. He is my joy. He is my husband. He is my beloved. I am His and He is mine.

"Yet this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, or his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD." Lamentations 3:21-26

Uganda support is going wonderfully! Help me out and post this everywhere!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Always in awe!

The Lord is absolutely blowing my mind with His goodness. Camp has been so great thus far. The spirit is moving and lives are being changed. We had 4 kids give their hearts to the Lord last week! It was amazing. I'm getting completely rocked by the people that I'm working with. They have so little to give but would give everything!

I'm loving my staff! The Lord definitely brought us together so that we could have the best summer of our lives. We mesh so well.

I'm trying my hardest to stay focused. I want to be in the now but I'm going back to college in the fall and Uganda is just around the corner once again.

The Lord is so faithful. He always seems to bless me when I least expect it.

Be encouraged! Bring the Kingdom! Just love!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Another summer in the mountains

Today is the official beginning of my summer. I am so excited!!

Over the past 2 years the Lord has blessed me with the most amazing opportunity to work at a youth missions camp, TEAMeffort. Now summer number 3 is about to begin and I'm so anxious to see what will happen! This summer is going to be a different one. I have new directors, a new huge staff or 16 people, and it will probably be my last summer working with them. I'm nervous and excited all at once.
Staff training starts tomorrow and then it is off to Copperhill, TN for 9 weeks! Another summer in the mountains, how did I get so lucky?

I can't wait to meet my campers and show them the amazing, beautiful, pure love of the Lord.


Please be praying for my staff that the Lord would use us in the most powerful ways.Pray for renewal of strength and energy daily! We are definitely going to need it!

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Romans 15:5-6

Love Love Love

Monday, May 9, 2011

Help me get back to Uganda!

Everyone!!! I need your help to get back to Uganda in December.

I only need 250 people to donate $10!!!
That's it! Only $10! That is the equivalent to 2 meals at Chik-fil-a or 3 drinks from Starbucks!!!

It would be such a huge help! You can donate money to my paypal account.
Just go to and click the send money tab and enter in my email!
It's so simple!

My email is


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Just doing as I'm told

I've had so many people to start a blog, so that is exactly what I'm doing. I feel like it's a million times easier to keep up with what I'm doing than facebook. There is much more detail involved. So my first blog entry.... here it goes. 

Life is wonderfully amazing right now. I just graduated from Bethel Atlanta School of Supernatural Ministry. It was the most amazing experience of my life! It's a weird transition. I've been with my class for the past 9 months and they have basically become my family. They are some of the most crazy, amazing people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. 

Now it's time to move forward and take everything that I've learned at Bethel and put it into action. It's another TEAMeffort summer for me! I find out where I will be this Friday! The anticipation might kill me. I honestly have no idea where I will be placed. I do know this much, wherever I am, I will bring glory to the Lord. He can use me anywhere, my location doesn't change my gifting or anointing. 

The Lord is so absolutely good. I'm starting to raise support for my trip back to Uganda in December. It's a little overwhelming but I know that He is in complete control. He has all the money in the world so I don't think He'll mind letting me borrow a couple of bucks to go love on His kids. :)

God is Good. Life is good. 
This is the start of my blog, enjoy. 

 "Praise the LORD, my soul;
   all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
 Praise the LORD, my soul,
   and forget not all his benefits—
who forgives all your sins
   and heals all your diseases, 
 who redeems your life from the pit
   and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things
   so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s."
-Psalm 103:1-5